آخر الأخبارأخبارأخبار العالم

Personnel & Payroll Specialist

Responsible for all Personnel activities and dealing with government authorities, such as labor office, social insurance authorities, and any concerned governmental authorities, and build a strong relationship with them in order to avoid any penalties that can be imposed on the company.Handel all the contracts process from issuance till renewal.Process and maintain personnel records, employee database and files by following up the employees’ credentials completion and developing personnel files for new comers to ensure adherence to personnel filing system in electronic and paper form.Administer termination procedures (resignations, end of contract…etc.) by exiting terminated employees out of the system and accomplish required documents and make financial Settlement and papers to ensure updated and accurate employee database.Follow up probation periods to proceed with termination if required.Responsible for preparing the monthly payroll data, including edit the newcomers, the final settlement for resigned employees, any deductions, or compensation.Review monthly attendance and leaves report, working days, deductions, sick leaves and official vacations that and manage vacations yearly settlements that will reflect on the payroll.Prepare monthly payroll & issue pay-slips.Receive, review, and audit the KPI’s sheets for blue-collars.Assist in Hiring and termination process and Salaries Transactions.Reviewing the company policies and ensuring the employees’ commitment regarding the policies.

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