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Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Developer

Job descriptionUp to 5 years of work experience in the field of software engineering and research. Experience in AI/ML technologies and familiarity with IBM Watson, Amazon Alexa, Google AI, TensorFlow, Keras, etc. Full-stack application development experience is preferred.Roles & Responsibilities:• You will work within a growing research and development team to improve existing and build new products.• Your role will be to develop or enhance innovative products and applications.• You will also conduct a lot of research and solve a variety of problems that have never been solved before.• Ideally, you are a detail-oriented, self-motivated, and enjoy dealing with challenging problems.• Ability to make decisions and take responsibility for projects and tasks• Willingness to learn and grow professionally in a team environment.• Your role will be to fully research, design, implement, test, and demonstrate the results.• Build AI models from scratch and help product managers and stakeholders understand results.

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