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Internship: ESG Research Analyst Internship at IdealRatings in Cairo, Egypt

Experience Needed:
Not Specified
Career Level:
Entry Level
Job Type:



Education Level:
Bachelor’s Degree

About the Internship

Job Description:
 • Performs extensive research to build a detailed understanding of the current ethical status of equities using certain methodology he/she gets trained on.
• Collects and gathers information from different resources.
• Contacts companies to compile required information.
• Writes reports for researched companies upon request.

Duration: Duration 3 months, with opportunity to be employed afterwards.

Paid Internship

About this Company

IdealRatings services is currently used by some of the leading financial institutions worldwide.

IdealRatings was formed in 2006 by a team of financial service and technology experts dedicated to delivering superior solutions to the marketplace. Our customers are…


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