آخر الأخبارأخبارأخبار العالم

Communication Embedded Team Lead

Manage & Tracking  tasks for Embedded Software team in different projects and resolving conflictsResponsible for keeping the team with the highest efficiency, morale and best teamwork spirit.Acting as a technical expert in both Software and System prospective.Providing time estimation and resources planning for required features.Ensured that applications are in accordance with recommended measures to increase quality and integrity of developmentReceive requirement and feature list and prepare the development plan (Review with Architect).Set with the architect the technical solution.Manage, follow up team and their tasks.Review and approve outcomes within the agreed time frame and quality standards.Support product certification process.Update R&D Library with developed modules with Architect.Coordinate with architects for resources needed to implement the approved products release plans, interviewing, shortlistingCoordinate with architects for training and orientation programs for subordinates

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